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Kverneland PN-RN Semi-Mounted Reversible Plough

The PN/RN models are robust semi-mounted reversible ploughs with a centre-mounted wheel and manual stepwise furrow width adjustment.

Product Information

Models Available: - PN (Interbody Clearance 100cm) - PN (Interbody Clearance 115cm) - RN (Interbody Clearance 100cm) - RN (Interbody Clearance 115cm) Cost efficient, easy to adjust and to maintain The up-graded models are delivered from June 2016 as follows: Robust plough constructed around a robust 200x200 mm induction heat treated frame. In-Furrow & On-Land operations The advantages :
  • unique Kverneland steels and heat treatment technology to the complete plough for best durability
  • center mounted wheel for easy ploughing out to fences, hedges...
  • safe and smooth reversal of the plough ensured by turnover mechanism being linked to the wheel assembly
  • unique headstock for minimum turning circle. Cat. III or IV
  • gentle movement between the turnover arm and the frame via plastic wear plates. No lubrification needed. Less noise too
  • easy adjustment of the wheel angle when changing the ploughing width, via a turnbuckle
  • optional hydraulic front furrow width adjustment for In-Furrow models
  • large clearance
  • unrivalled Kverneland Auto-reset system for non stop ploughing for PN. No maintenance. Shearbolt protections for RN
  • extendable by 1 furrow to the maximum number of furrows indicated in the chart below
In-Furrow & On-Land operations Any PN/RN ploughs ordered from the 1st of June 2016 can work both In-Furrow and On-Land. Adjustments between In-Furrow and On-Land and vice-versa are hydraulic:
  • On-Land models can also plough In-Furrow
  • In-Furrow models can be retrofitted with an On-Land Kit
On-Land models suit tractors with up to 3,60 m outer wheel/track width.   DOWNLOAD BROCHURE

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