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Kverneland Turbo Cultivator

Powerful and efficient performance – that is what the Turbo offers. The machine can operate at high forward speeds whilst maintaining a consistent working depth. With the Turbo, Kverneland provides a cultivator which is the right choice for all seasons, all kind of conditions and for a wide field of applications.

Product Information

Models Available: - Turbo 3000 - Turbo 3500 - Turbo 4000F - Turbo 6000F - Turbo 6500T - Turbo 8000T In fact, the Turbo range is dedicated for the following seasonal jobs: In spring: - Opening the soil after frost or winter rainfalls, enhancing the air flow for quicker warming up - Seedbed preparation in front of spring seeding, for example maize crops that need deeper cultivation for a good root development In the summer : - Stubble cultivation right after harvest - Second or third pass to destroy weeds and volunteers saving herbicide In the autumn: - Peparing the soil for a fine crumbled seedbed able to enhance germination even for fine seeds like rape, grass etc. - The Turbo is a versatile cultivator to carry out cultivation from 3cm to 20cm. Kverneland proposes different configurations: - Turbo: 2 rigid models in 3.00m and 3.50m - up to 175hp - Turbo F: 3 folding models in 4.00m, 5.00m and 6.00m - up to 300hp - Turbo T: 2 trailed models in 6.50m and 8.00m - up to 450hp The Advantages
  • Complete cutting
  • Perfect mixing & levelling
  • Low pulling force needed
  • Wide range of rollers
  • Reduced maintenance
  • Versatile from shallow to medium
  • Large performance at high speed
  • Stone protection

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