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Highest strength to weight ratio on the market

Kverneland steels combined to a unique heat treatment technology, actually applied to the complete plough, result in an unsurpassed strength to weight ratio.

Kverneland Technology

The Kverneland Technology is closely associated to the development of:

  • High strengths steel optimized for the different plough parts.
  • Special forging and heat treatment processes to make the best parts available.
  • A continuous development of plough construction and specialised steel
When Farming Means Business

Realising the full potential of farming is about growing and developing your business, not only your crop or livestock, but also your profit.

Improve productivity and profitability by focusing on the positives and minimising disadvantageous aspects, through strong, dedicated management. Success springs from determination and clear targets, from laying down the appropriate strategy and allocating correct investments for the future. Quality results require the right ideas and equipment.

When there is work to be done, you need the optimal setup and smart solutions that support you towards an easier, more profitable way of working. You need solutions that make tough and demanding conditions less complicated.


Benefits from low weight and more wear resistance

Benefits from low weight:

  • Easier to pull
  • Lower fuel consumption
  • Lower lift requirement
  • Reduced wear and stress for the tractor
  • More economical …

Benefits from more wear resistance:

  • Lower rotation and exchange of wearing parts
  • Less maintenance
  • Time saving
  • Minimum breakage
  • Highest 2nd hand plough value
  • Longer life for the plough
  • More economical

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